Super Foods

Health Benefits of Super foods

Superfoods have earned that distinction by having great nutritional value plus extra health benefits. If you find yourself reaching for a donut instead of items on your superfoods diet, use this list of benefits to get back on track:

Improving your nutrition: All the superfoods are rich in the nutrients your body needs, and they’re very low in bad fats and processed sugars that can ruin a diet.

Strengthening your immune system: The nutrients and phytochemicals in many superfoods keep your immune system strong so you’re less likely to catch colds and the flu.

Fighting free radicals: Superfoods are rich in antioxidants, which destroy the free radicals that can damage the cells in your body. This protection improves your health, reduces your risk of disease, and helps you age gracefully.

*Reducing the risk of cancer: The nutrients, fiber, good fats, and phytochemicals found in superfoods reduce your risk of several types of cancer.

Keeping your heart healthy: Those same nutrients, fiber, good fats, and phytochemicals also protect your heart by reducing inflammation and keeping blood vessels healthy.

Feeling better: Superfoods help you feel more energetic.

Boosting metabolism and watching your weight: Many of the superfoods are high in fiber and low in calories, so you can load up your plate without adding many extra calories. Some of the superfoods that are a little higher in calories are rich in protein, fiber, and good fats that keep hunger at bay, and some superfoods actually increase the number of calories you burn.

Maintaining your youthful complexion: The antioxidants in superfoods reduce damage to your skin, and many foods are rich in vitamin C that keeps connective tissue strong. The combination means beautiful, healthy skin.

Flooding you with flavor: Who says healthy has to be dull and flavorless? Superfoods are delicious and can be used in all kinds of recipes.

Various sources advocate different superfoods, but here's our list of favorites that aren't only delicious but are also very good for you.

Oily fish: Fish such as sardines and salmon are packed with omega-3 fatty acids and protein. They're said to reduce blood pressure, lower the risk of heart disease, reduce inflammation in the body and boost your mood. Wild salmon in particular is rich in vitamin D and selenium, which will benefit your hair, skin, nails and bones -- and it tastes great too!

Berries: Berries such as blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and cranberries are particularly high in antioxidants. Blueberries, in particular, are praised for containing the antioxidant ellagic acid, which some say can slow the growth of certain cancerous tumours. They also contain polyphenolic compounds, which are believed to help protect your memory and cognitive functioning.

Broccoli: This veggie is high in antioxidants and is a great source of fiber, folate, vitamin C and beta-carotene. Broccoli lovers say it can help protect cells from free radical damage, benefit your reproductive and immune systems, build strong bones and even help prevent some cancers, such as lung, colon, rectum and stomach.

Tomatoes: These salad stars are high in lycopene, an antioxidant carotenoid that fights free radical damage. Tomatoes are also believed to help reduce your risk of developing certain chronic diseases.

Linseeds: These little guys are good for your bowel health, help keep you regular and offer omega-3 polyunsaturated fats and soluble fiber. They can also potentially reduce cholesterol.

Soy: Similar to linseed, soy is believed to help lower blood cholesterol levels. It's rich in protein and fiber and can help build strong bones, as well as lower the risk of heart attacks and blood clots.

Ginger: Ginger boosts our immune systems and helps fight infection, plus it's believed to help protect against cancer.

Natural yogurt: It's important to choose your product carefully here, but a quality natural yogurt is generally full of good bacteria, calcium, potassium, riboflavin, protein, vitamin B12, magnesium and phosphate. The good bacteria, or probiotics, helps boost digestive health and improves the immune system to help your body fight off infections.

Tea: Black and green tea are both high in antioxidants and can help protect your heart and boost your mood. What a great excuse to turn on the kettle!

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